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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

Missional Leaders Impart a God Given Vision to the Faith Community and are Themselves Envisioned by

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

Few if any, faith communities embark on a missional venture without the presence of one or more visionary leaders. More often than not this requires a group of leaders who prayerfully seek God and God’s design for the church and its mission in the world. Then, they step out in faith leading the church on its missional adventure. Missional leaders need to lead and help the church to discover God’s vision for the faith community. They need to be envisioned by the community as the community catches on to the vision. Proverbs 29:18 teaches us that without a vision, people and I might add communities perish.

Thus, called by God missional leaders communicate their God-given vision. They do so by articulating the needs of the people and their experience in that context. By openly listening to the people's pain and questions as they struggle to handle the need for change. They serve by bringing God’s people in touch with God’s kingdom and his missional purposes for them and the world. And finally by leading God’s people into places where the old maps no longer work. But in daring to adventure with God into the uncharted waters of this world, there is one thing of which we can be certain, that God has pledged to be with us, on our mission journey, even to the end of the age.

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