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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

What is Your God Given Passion?

Les Henson

What is the passion God has placed upon your heart, for which you are prepared to: live or die? What is the idea, the challenge, the work, the ministry, the mission that God has called you to, for which you will give your life? Have you ever experienced or sensed a calling on your life? When you know that God has spoken and you can do no other than be obedient. When you have experienced that, you know that you can't run away from it even if you wanted to and you don't. You know that whatever life throws at you must be faithful to the God-given passion that God has planted in your heart.

We live in an age in which people want to keep their options open. When young people, in particular, are reluctant to commit themselves to anything, but what about being passionate for the things of God. What about being passionate about the calling God has placed upon your life. What about seeking God and asking him to give you a passion for that which God wants to accomplish through your life. The opposite of passion is indifference and lukewarmness. God spoke through the angel to the church at Laodicea: "Because you are neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth." God hates lukewarmness, and he desires people with a passion for God and the things of God.

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