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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

Time to Stop and Reflect

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

Les Henson

Life can be so busy with hardly any time to stop and think. We rush here and there at an alarming pace. Our schedules are jam-packed with few or no gaps. It is hardly surprising that our lives are so unproductive and often lack meaning. It might just be time to slow down, stop, and think about the things that matter most in our lives, rather than hurtling along at such an alarming pace.

Doing more does not equate with greater productivity, nor does it correlate with greater fulfilment or meaning in life. We need to make the space within our schedules slow down and stop. We must take time out from our busy lives to reflect and meditate upon what is vital to our lives, well-being, and those we love. We need to make space to build meaningful relationships rather than continually passing like ships in the night. It was Socrates who said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Let us take time this year to work through who we are and who we desire to become, and above all, who God would have us be. We may think that we have plenty of time for such things when we get a little bit older, but time passes so fleetingly that the only time we truly have is the present.

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