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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

Sexual Integrity

Les Henson

The prevalence of casual sexual behaviour is a complex issue that needs thoughtful attention. The over-sexualisation of relationships, objectification of the human body, and decreasing emphasis on modesty and purity have all created an environment where showing restraint in sexual matters is becoming less common. This shift has had harmful effects on individuals, families, and society.


Caring for young people's and families' health and happiness is essential. There has been a noticeable increase in cases of sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and relationship breakdowns, affecting many individuals and families. This causes stress and financial strain for many. It's imperative to offer support and understanding to those going through these challenging situations.


Victims of sexual exploitation often go through significant psychological and emotional suffering, such as persistent feelings of anxiety, overwhelming depression, and long-lasting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The trauma experienced by these individuals can have lasting implications for their mental health and overall well-being, affecting their ability to build and maintain healthy relationships, pursue stable employment, and engage fully in everyday life.


The widespread availability of pornography, sexual objectification, and the normalisation of casual sex are having a significant impact on society. In the media, sexual relationships are often depicted as purely physical without considering the emotional or psychological consequences. This leads to a breakdown in relationships, an increase in sexually transmitted diseases, and significant emotional and psychological distress for victims of sexual exploitation. These are essential issues that we need to address together.


To tackle this concerning trend, we need to approach it from various angles. It's essential to encourage and prioritise healthy, respectful relationships while respecting the dignity of all individuals in the realm of sexual interactions. We should work on shifting societal values to highlight the importance of committed, long-lasting partnerships and the practice of sexual intimacy within the context of such relationships. Additionally, steps should be taken to lessen the impact of pornography, the objectification of individuals for sexual purposes, and casual encounters in our society.


It's essential to recognise that addressing this issue alongside efforts to combat environmental pollution is critical. Let's all work together to build a healthier and more respectful society that values emotional intimacy and the formation of healthy relationships over just seeking sexual gratification. It will take a sustained effort from individuals, families, communities, and governments to make meaningful changes in our attitudes and behaviours towards sex and relationships. We really need to work tirelessly to create a world in which sexual relationships are based on respect, trust, fidelity, and mutual consent.

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