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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

One Step

Les Henson

It is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. One step may take us on a journey that is unimaginable, an adventure the likes of which we never dreamed possible. One step and the whole course of our lives can be irrevocably changed and transformed. One step moves us from the person we are towards the person we shall become in the mystery and providence of God.

In the Gospels we read how time and time again Jesus called people to become his disciples saying just two very simple words, “Follow me.” Following Jesus begins with just one step, and then another and another. In taking that one step in following Jesus it is perhaps just as well that we don’t know the outcome or the full consequences that result of that one action or we might never have the faith or courage to begin the journey. For that one step changes the way we see the world, ourselves and those we encounter on the journey. It changes not only our perspective on life and those around us, but the way we respond to those we encounter and the circumstances we face each day of our lives. At least it should. It is a step that brings with it, happiness and sorrow, joy and pain, contentment and discouragement, faith and doubt, trust and fear, life and mourning and so on, for the way of Jesus is not easy, yet it is worthy of everything we can give and it ultimately conveys more than we could ever desire.

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