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  • Writer's pictureLES HENSON

Is Success so Important?

Les Henson

We live in a success-orientated society, and the pressure to succeed is immense. Otherwise, we can end on the scrapheap of life, or so the world out there keeps on telling us. Yet, how important is success compared to living a whole life within a holistic lifestyle? It is a life that has meaning and builds significant relationships, which benefit not only ourselves but also all those around us. However, I am not saying that success is of no value. Of course, it is, but not at the cost of losing ourselves in the process and alienating those around us. Certainly, vocationally we should aim to do our work well. But we need to balance the desire to succeed with the need to live meaningful lives. Even when that means not advancing as quickly as we would like or not taking a promotion so that we can spend more time with our family and friend while doing the things that give lasting meaning to life. It might involve working only three or four days per week instead of five, which may mean we do not advance in our job. We may receive less money, but we will have less stress. Yet, the payoff may be a more holistic life and lifestyle.

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