Les Henson
For many years, I have been frustrated, annoyed and at times extremely unsympathetic towards those wonderful but scary Christians who are hyper-spiritual. However, more recently, I have become much more sympathetic, not because I think such a state is healthy or encourage able. Instead, I am starting to understand more clearly one of its root causes. Many hyper-spirituals go to church on Sunday for their weekly fix of hyper-spiritual and hyper-charismatic worship simply because many of their daily activities, work and leisure etc., are essentially meaningless. It is that they have never learned or been able to integrate their faith into their daily lives. Yet this is not entirely their fault. Because the church has failed to teach, assist, or help ordinary Christian people think through and integrate their everyday lives and activities into their faith. Consequently, many have a real disconnect between what they do on a Sunday in the church and what happens in the rest of their lives: in the workplace, at home, or during their leisure activities, etc. In reality, everything we do impacts our faith, and our faith should affect everything we do. As Abraham Kuyper said a hundred years ago, there is not an inch of life or this world that Jesus cannot say mine. If Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives, then every area of life should be under his lordship. Thus we should work as a community of faith to help each of God’s people to make that a constant reality. Then there would be no requirement for any of God’s people to hide under a veil of hyper-spiritual.