Les Henson
When we observe the world, we see many societies mired in corruption, injustice, violence, and poverty, and we need to ask: What does the Christian faith have to offer such communities? The order of the day appears to be political instability, urban poverty, and social unrest. Again, we must ask: Can the Christian faith make a meaningful contribution and enable deep level transformation? As followers of Jesus, we are sent into the world as Jesus was sent into the world to embody and proclaim radical transformation and God’s reconciling presence for individuals, communities, and the entire creation. Yet, at the heart of this are reconciled relationships and transformed lives, which imprint every dimension of life – the spiritual, social, political, economic, and ecological. Thus, we must participate in God’s vision of transformation and reconciliation. We are to work towards its actualisation in all relationships and dimensions of life. So that God’s will may be done and reflected in human society and his love experienced by all communities, particularly the poor, oppressed and disenfranchised.