Les Henson
Why do we tend to want to domesticate God and continually remake God in our own image and initiate God into our middle-class lifestyle? In many ways, this is rather stupid because we are incredibly small and insignificant compared to God, who is the sovereign Lord of all creation. Yet, we continually seek to make God fit into our plans and our perspective on life. Maybe, we need to sit back, rethink our understanding and perspective, and accept that God cannot be domesticated nor tamed.
I love C. S. Lewis image of Aslan and the fact that Aslan is not a tame lion. He is rather dangerous and wild. So, instead of desiring to domesticate God, we need to re-envisage God as the One who is unsafe, dangerous, and wild. Then, we will begin to have a more realistic understanding of God. While God is love, God’s love is a dangerous love that cannot be tamed and demands everything. Yet, in loving us, God desires the best for us and enables us to become what God created us to be fully human and recreated in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Yet, in becoming what God created us to be, we should retain a dangerous, untamed, and wild streak that is at the heart of our being as we adventure with God and participate in God’s mission in and for the world.